#1 | Hello, World!

Hey, everyone.

Welcome to our first ever Release Notes, the place where we communicate anything that is new on our platform - new features, code improvements, bug fixing etc.

Kipon was launched a few weeks back and is already being used by amazing teams.

So let me walk you through what our customers already have in their hands, show you what we have shipped today and tell you a little bit about how we work around here.


You wonder: What kind of problems can I already solve with Kipon?

  • Mapping people's skills: In less than 3 minutes, a person can go through our onboarding and have its full skillset, displayed in a really insightful way.

Why is this important? Try creating a PDI for one of your employees without knowing what they know already. Having their skillset will give clear next steps, prioritizing their gaps.

  • Organization's skill map: In one page, you see the full list of skills the people in your organization have. You can also search for skill, core skill, person's name, proficiency and teams.

Why is this important? Imagine you are putting together a team to deliver a big project. How do you select the right people to do it? With Kipon, you know precisely who has the skills needed to achieve your goals.


Changelog, Sep. 9th.

Everything we shipped today.

  • Add skill: add new skills to your profile at any given time;

  • Profile: everyone's profile and skillset are now available for the entire organization;

  • Bio: write a mini bio in your profile;

  • Slug: company's name on URL;

  • Filter: search for people or skills on the Skillmap;

  • Settings: add new e-mail domains to access organization;

  • Multi Language: our copy is in english now and will soon be in Portuguese and Spanish;

  • Logout: well, we were a 6 days old platform when we set a logout for everyone, alright?

  • Teams: assign people to different teams inside the same organization;

  • Custom skills: create specifics areas of expertise, with a group of skills in it, that are only visible to your company;

  • Core skills: define what skills are core to your strategy and show them on company's Skillmap.

From the tech side, by Bianca Camargo de Paula, our Front End Developer:

  • Layout Algorithm: We recalculated the layout of our screens, tables, and cards to ensure flexibility and consistency as we deal with different screen sizes and design requirements. This change is a natural evolution of the CSS mental model, making it more intuitive as we understand the layout algorithms that operate behind the properties, adjusting them to our needs.


How do we work around here?

Our work cycles are always three weeks long: two for development (code, design, writing etc), one for cooldown (QA, tests, user experience refinement, Prod). And this is for everyone: from devs to marketing and operations. We are all about our product life cycles.

Our releases - this place where we communicate what new problems Kipon solves - will always come to you on the 1st business day after a cycle ends. That simple, that disciplined.

So, unless something extraordinary happens, you can expect new releases every 3 weeks, on Monday.


And this was our first one. Thanks for reading. See you next time.